What’s included?

The School of Grief was designed by Red Bird Ministries inviting you to join with other parents of loss as we explore what it means to grieve well. Each person’s grief is unique - but we don’t have to carry it alone. We hope you will prayerfully consider this opportunity to find accompaniment on your journey.

    • The small groups are limited to 10 individuals per facilitator.

    • Professional led support groups by social workers, licensed counselors, and certified spiritual directors.

    • Groups offered by specific type of loss, age of loss, or season of loss.

  • You will connect with other parents of loss while also learning about:

    1. The grieving process itself and how to recognize and befriend our own unique rhythm of grieving.

    2. Practical steps we can take in our daily lives to foster healing.

    3. How to cultivate a posture of acceptance and peace toward our grief.

    Support group participants will be guided and encouraged as they engage with different facets of their grief.

  • Find a safe community to take your grief.

    • Stay connected with other families of loss who are also taking The School of Grief small group course.

    • Be reassured that the families that will be walking together have all experienced the same age of loss, circumstance, or are currently in the same season of loss.

    • Small groups will be offered according to facilitators availability.

    • Please see schedule for next small group dates.

6-Week Closed Small Groups

In order to ensure meaningful connections, we have limited our small groups to 10 individuals per facilitator. This way, each participant will have ample time to engage and connect with their designated group. Additionally, families can rest assured that they will begin and end with the same 10-person group. Join us for a truly enriching experience!

Professionally Led Groups

Professionally trained small group facilitators will guide you through your grieving process. Join small groups that focus on different facets of your grief. Take the first step towards healing with the support of compassionate professionals who understand what you're going through.

Grouped by Loss

Our commitment to providing you with the best possible support drives our efforts to source facilitators and offer new loss groups. These groups will be tailored to your specific needs, based on factors such as age, circumstance, and season of loss. We encourage you to stay tuned for updates and take advantage of these valuable resources.

The School of Grief

Red Bird Ministries invites you to join with other parents of loss as we explore what it means to grieve well. Over the course of this 6-week support group, you will connect with other parents of loss. Led by professionally trained facilitators, families of loss will learn:

  • About the grieving process

  • How to befriend our own unique rhythm of grieving

  • Practical Steps we can take to foster healing

  • How to cultivate a posture of acceptance and peace

  • Get access to resources and guides

Pilot Group Begins April 10, 2024

This small group is for mothers who have experienced the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death.

$125.00 (6 Weekly Sessions)

6 Wednesdays starting March 20 at 6 pm CST

Meet the Facilitators

  • Anna Gowasack, M.S.


    When my husband and I lost our first and only child through miscarriage, I could not fathom how anything good could possibly come from this tragedy. Little did I know that my grief journey would lead me to my life's purpose. Through my masters' work in psychology, I began to understand that God was calling me to use my personal experience combined with my professional training to serve families suffering through the unimaginable. It is such an unfathomable privilege to partner with Red Bird in the beautiful and meaningful work of walking with families through child loss.

  • Elizabeth Leon


    In the depression that followed my son’s death, I was forced to examine my own brokenness and confront the holy mystery that, in the light of faith, we are invited to unite our deepest sufferings to the heart of Christ. In time, the darkness of grief led me to peace, purpose, and joy. Through my social work studies and trauma certification, I am able to walk wiIh families in their brokenness. I am honored to share the mission of Red Bird to bring hope and comfort to those suffering the loss of their beloved child.


  • We created the St. Louis and Zéliè Martin Scholarship Fund to help families who can’t financially afford to attend our support groups.

    If your family requests a scholarship for a support group, please fill out the application form below.

    Click Here to apply

  • Red Bird Ministries partners with grief experts who sometimes are also parents of loss. Your facilitator will be professionally trained and qualified and many also have personal loss.

  • You may schedule a comfort call, spiritual direction, or request a referral to a counselor at any time for no additional cost. Red Bird Ministries does not provided one on one counseling.

  • Refunds will be given via a gift card to be used in our benefit boutique, or towards another grief support opportunity. Refund will not be given once small group begins.