Red Bird Ministries

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Love Endures Forever

"Love endures forever."

This beautiful quote is carved on the wall of a chapel at the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton was an American saint and the first native-born citizen of the United States to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church. She was also a wife and mother who was once widowed with five surviving children. One of those surviving children, Anna Maria, died soon after her mother's death. Before her own untimely death, Anna Maria had written to her sister: "We are but travelers here; let us help each other on our journey."


Your love carries on.

Your love is not diminished by time or distance.

Your love is a constant reminder of the person you loved and lost, even after they've left this world.

Love Endures Forever

Love is eternal. It's a gift from God. It's a gift from our loved ones, our communities, and our churches. Love endures forever and ever because it comes from the One who does not change, who never dies, and whose love for us will never be diminished by time or distance, or circumstance.

Love Remembered in Silence

If you're looking for a way to remember your loved one, silence can be a perfect choice. Even if you are not religious, silence is still a powerful way to remember someone who was important in your life. Silence helps us find peace and comfort when we need it most.

Silence can also help us move forward after losing someone special in our lives. When we are silent, we are forced to live in the present rather than dwelling on what has passed or anticipating what may happen next. This allows us time to heal and accept that things will never be the same again without our loved ones with us every day of our lives.

Love Remembered through Prayer

Praying is an important part of our relationship with God. It's one way we can be close to him, express our love for him and others, and reflect on what we've experienced together. Prayer gives us the chance to thank God for the blessings he has given us, ask for help in difficult situations, or just spend time thinking about how grateful we are for everything he does for us every day.

Prayer helps us grow closer to God as well as others because it teaches us how to focus on loving relationships instead of material things or status symbols like money or fancy cars. It also helps build strong friendships when two people pray together because they both feel loved by God even though they might be very different from each other otherwise!

Prayers are said regularly during Masses held at churches around the world—from those that have been built centuries ago all the way up to today's newest ones (like St Vincent De Paul Catholic Church). They're said at home too though most often while people are sitting quietly alone so they can focus better without distractions around them."

Love Remembered through the Eucharist

  • You are the Body and Blood of Christ, who offered the sacrifice for our salvation. As we eat your body and drink your blood, we share in your death so that we may live again.

  • We also remember Jesus' love for us in celebrating his death and resurrection as we receive his body and blood in Holy Communion.

  • Through this gift of nourishment, we are strengthened by the love of Christ and feel closer to him than ever before.

Our love for our loved ones continues and endures forever.

We are not alone. Our loved ones are with us in the Body of Christ.

Love endures forever: through the Communion of Saints, through prayer, through community, and the Eucharist. Love endures!

So, when the question is asked, “Does love endure forever?” The answer is, “Yes. It most certainly does!”