Red Bird Blog
Red Bird Blog
The Rollercoaster Ride
If you've experienced the death of your child, you may have noticed that your feelings are all over the map. Although grief is an individual process and there isn't one way to grieve, most grief experts agree that grief can be compared to a roller coaster ride.
How to deal with losing a child through stillbirth.
There are many terrible things in life we never expect to have to happen to us. Losing a child, whether through stillbirth or otherwise, is one of the most painful. This guide walks you through the causes behind stillbirth, your options and rights after losing a child, and suggests ways to cope with this loss.
Ways to Calm your Anxiety
Anxiety disorders affect people of all ages and in different ways. However, there are some tools that people can use to help them calm down when they are experiencing high levels of anxiety.
What are the Stages of Grief?
The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
Be Kind to Yourself
It is hard, especially when you feel like your whole life has been turned upside down, and there's no way out from under it all. I’ll be here to help you take one step forward and remind you to be kind to yourself.
I wish I could take it all away from you
I wish I could take away the pain of losing your child. I know it hurts so much. I wish I had the journey laid out and highlighted all the to-dos and to-don’ts.
I want to live unafraid
There was a time in my grief that I was living in fear 24/7. There was this deep sense of disconnect that I could find peace in my day-to-day. Instead fear held me prisioner to the reality that death happened to my child and the reality of realizing that none of us are making it here alive. Instead of living, I began to slowly die within myself. Then one day I realized what was happening and I asked myself.
Overcoming Unhealthy Grieving Habits
When you're grieving, it's all too easy to get stuck in a cycle of toxic habits.
The Grieving Need You Most After the Funeral
What grieving family members need most of all is to know that you're there for them. What if we feel burned out or overwhelmed?
Comparison is the thief of joy
Grief is a strange, slippery thing. It's hard to pin down; it comes in different forms and can be triggered by the most unexpected things. It can cause you to do things you have never done in your life, like comparing yourself to others.
Your first day back to work after loss.
It's hard to know what to expect when you return to work after losing a child.
When the time comes, it can be overwhelming—and even paralyzing—to think about how to navigate your first day back.
How can journaling help with grief and prayer?
When I write down my thoughts and feelings, it's almost like I'm talking to God. But instead of talking to him out loud, which would be weird (and maybe even a little awkward), I'm writing down my words on paper or on my computer screen for him to read.
Finding Joy in Grief
When we're grieving, we have a choice: we can either ignore our feelings and try to push them away, or we can face them head-on and let them help us grow into better people than we used to be.
Am I experiencing depression or grief?
It’s normal to experience sadness, tears, and emotional distress after the death of a loved one. The intensity of grief depends on many factors.
How to manage anxiety while you are grieving?
Grief is a difficult and complex process. It can be overwhelming, and it can also cause anxiety.