Episode 9: Saints & Souls - The Hope of Heaven

The Last Enemy to be overcome is Death  - 1 Cor 15:16

November is the Church’s month for the dead, a time very special to us as mothers & fathers of loss.  It begins with the two great feasts of All Saints Day and All Souls Day that bring together all grieving parents, no matter how or when your child died.  

Bereaved parents probably think about death, and their own death, more than most.  We long for Heaven to be united with God and our beloved child.  

Many people aren’t comfortable talking about death, but bereaved parents don’t have that luxury because we live with part of our heart in heaven. 

Join Brittany & Elizabeth as we dive into this important topic, sharing our hearts and the truth about Saints & Souls and our hope for heaven, for ourselves and our children.

Learn more about —

  • Is my child an angel now?

  • What’s with the skulls and bones? 

  • Why is praying for the dead so powerful?

Elizabeth references a quote by a saint on the mercy of God in suicide. The quote is attributed to St. John Vianney: “...between the bridge and the river is the mercy of God.”

The closing prayer is by Cameron Bellm, A Prayer for the Month of Holy Souls. 

Elizabeth Leon

Elizabeth Leon is the Director of Family Support for Red Bird Ministries. She and her husband Ralph are from Ashburn, Virginia and have ten children between them - five of hers, four of his, and their son, John Paul Raphael who died on January 5, 2018. His short and shining life was a sacred experience that transformed her heart and left a message of love for the world: let yourself be loved. She writes about finding the Lord in the darkness of grief in her book Let Yourself Be Loved: Big Lessons from a Little Life, available wherever books are sold. Read more from Elizabeth at www.letyourselfbeloved.com.


Episode 10: Surviving the Holidays


Episode 8: An Unborn Saint with Fr. Rusty Bruce