Ash Tag

By Kelly Breaux


There is one day a year where we can proclaim our faith in public without saying a word. It is today Ash Wednesday.

It’s the day when we go in humility and profess we are sinners in need of a savior. The idea of the title “Ash-Tag” came from the way that Twitter organizes it’s campaign for audiences.

There is one day a year where we can proclaim our faith in public without saying a word. It is today Ash Wednesday.

It’s the day when we go in humility and profess we are sinners in need of a savior. The idea of the title “Ash-Tag” came from the way that Twitter organizes it’s campaign for audiences.

Hashtags create great visibility for a campaign, and help you reach your target audience by using relevant hashtags that you know your audience is already following. When used to promote an event, the hashtag not only connects you with your followers, but your followers with each other.

What better way to connect our Catholic people than by taking the opportunity to receive our ashes in a humble offer to Christ. Not that we are showcasing our sacrifice and worship but connecting each other in communion with Christ’s suffering.

Ash Wednesday is important because it marks the start of the Lenten period leading up to Easter, when Christians believe Jesus was resurrected. The ashes symbolize both death and repentance. During this period, Christians show repentance and mourning for their sins, because they believe Christ died for them.

Of course Christ wants us to be in prayer all year, but during this time we pay close attention to the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. where as during other times of the year, Jesus calls us to feast and celebrate.

The 40 days that lead up to Easter are a time that we can journey with Jesus through His passion. I know for me during lent, I can easily connect to Christ’s passion because the whole church is journeying through his suffering together.

Each Lent is the opportunity to start fresh and go deeper with Jesus. Here are a few suggestions you can do this lent.

  1. Begin a new tradition with your family like saying a daily rosary or reading a chapter in maybe the book of Ezekiel.

  2. Give up sweets, alcohol, or etc.

  3. Start going to daily mass or more frequently to mass.

  4. Pass on purchasing stuff you want and only purchase items that are necessary to live.

  5. Throw or give away 40 things for 40 days.

  6. No gossiping. no complaining.

  7. Workout daily and start a healthier lifestyle.

  8. Skip on in between snacks, especially sweets.

  9. Make an active effort to do something nice for someone for 40 days.

  10. Don’t eat out for 40 days.

Let’s take the opportunity to die to ourselves and offer Christ a sacrifice by giving up something we love and not just a thing to bring down our weight, in love and honor of Jesus saving us on the Cross.

Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for my sins and my salvation.

What will you give up or do for Jesus this Lent?


In Loving Memory of Christian Ryan


Lunar Halo 2020