The heart of
Red Bird Ministries

Our team members are the heart of Red Bird Ministries. Many of them know first hand what you are facing, they all have experience child loss and other deaths in the family. Each of them pour their hearts into helping the organization grow and reach those countless men and women suffering silently.


Kelly and Ryan Breaux

After Kelly and Ryan Breaux endured the losses of three children over their 18 years of marriage, Kelly was astonished to find a dearth of resources to support bereaved parents. Over time, she and her husband were able to mend and restore their relationship.

The Breaux’s found that their marriage had a ripple effect, bringing healing to their extended family. Child loss comes in many different forms, including miscarriage. Support after miscarriage is part of the Red Bird Ministries’ work, and for the Breaux’s, this is a way of living out the calling to be open to life.

Board of Directors

Meet the Red Bird Team

  • Kelly Breaux


    For a long time, my pain served no purpose. Grief is the most human experience one can go through. I couldn’t escape it. The world provided no peace for me, only emptiness. Everything changed when I met Christ. The call to Red Bird was spoken over my life before my children died. God allowed something I viewed as broken, messy, and weak; and transformed it into something beautiful. Red Bird Ministries is a gift to the Church.

    Read Kelly’s redemptive story of healing in her autobiography ‘Hiding in the Upper Room’. Order your copy here.

  • Elizabeth Leon


    In the depression that followed my son’s death, I was forced to examine my own brokenness and confront the holy mystery that, in the light of faith, we are invited to unite our deepest sufferings to the heart of Christ. In time, the darkness of grief led me to peace, purpose, and joy. I am honored to share the mission of Red Bird to bring hope and comfort to those suffering the loss of their beloved child.

    Visit our website for a full list of Family Support Resources here.

  • Brittany Primeaux


    December 4, 2017 my son Leo passed away from SIDS. I remember walking into our Parochial Vicar’s office. I told that priest “I was Faithful. I held onto Faith after our miscarriage, and now this??” Oh the questions.

    His words still echo in my heart. “He is the same God Brittany. That God who carried you through the loss of your miscarried baby, is the SAME GOD who is carrying you now. He never changes, even when we do.” These words have carried me through so many hard days.

    Visit our website for a comprehensive review of RBM dynamic Leader Resources here.

  • Anna Gowasack, M.S.


    When my husband and I lost our first and only child through miscarriage, I could not fathom how anything good could possibly come from this tragedy. Little did I know that my grief journey would lead me to my life's purpose. Through my masters' work in psychology, I began to understand that God was calling me to use my personal experience combined with my professional training to serve families suffering through the unimaginable. It is such an unfathomable privilege to partner with Red Bird in the beautiful and meaningful work of walking with families through child loss.

  • Jessica Wilfore, MS-Ed, CCLS


    “This doesn’t happen in my life” was the first thought I had after losing my precious three year old son, Hudson in 2023. With over ten years of work as a child life specialist, I often provided grief support to families. I knew the harsh reality that children die.  I never thought I would be on the receiving end of grief support. Red Bird has been a pivotal resource to me in rebuilding my relationship with God.  

    However, I struggled to find Christian (let alone Catholic) grief resources for my surviving children. This need sparked a new passion for me. It is an honor to bring my personal and professional experiences to the Red Bird community to support our amazing siblings. 

    Parents can schedule a call with Jessica to discuss ways to support their surviving children. Virtual support groups for siblings will launch June 2025.

  • Alysia Gauthreaux


    Alysia Gauthreaux is a wife, mom, Accountant, and Women’s Ministry Leader. She married her high school sweetheart, Kyle Gauthreaux, and they have one son, Connor. In 2019, she gave her “Yes” to the Lord to serve as the Leadership Director of St. Pius X Magnify Women’s Ministry. Magnify offers women small group bible studies, video series, as well as annual Days of Reflection. In this role, she has enjoyed forming a large leadership team while empowering other women to share their spiritual gifts in ministry. In 2023, she stepped away from a career in Accounting and into full-time ministry.  Alysia is passionate about bringing Christ to others in all experiences. With gratitude and joy, she is ready to connect many lives, marriages, and parishes through the mission growth as the Development Director of Red Bird Ministries.

  • Rachel Boulanger


    My husband, Greg, and I are both natives of Lafayette, LA, and both grew up in the Catholic church.  We have been married since 1999 and have 3 grown sons. 

    Our EmmaNoel prays for us from heaven.  I have been a member of Refiner's Fire Theresian Community since 1993 and made my ACTS Retreat in May 2024.  Both of my previous work experiences (Catholic church and catholic travel company) have been working with people who are searching for deeper relationships with Jesus and I pray that God will use me to do the same with the families who find themselves in need of healing on their grief journey.

     In my spare time I enjoy baking cookies and the quiet, immediate gratification of making lines in textiles (ironing!)

  • Janis Laspisa


    After the loss of our son in 2022, we found such a beautiful and welcoming community in Red Bird that has been a great blessing to our family. To be in a room full of mothers of loss who understand my pain is the comfort my heart needs and a safe place to take my grief. I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to join the mission of this life-changing ministry and help others in their time of need. I can't wait to help you plan your Red Bird Ministries Golf Tournament so that clergy and leaders can be trained in your community.

  • Karla Alfaro


    Never could I have imagined that just weeks after having a baby shower for my cousin Victoria, we would be planning a funeral. Victoria was 36 weeks pregnant when her baby had cardiac failure. Sadness overcame the entire family as we waited with her after the doctors induce labor. Red Bird Ministries was a huge blessing for my family, and we will never forget the love and prayers that covered our family during this unimaginable moment.

  • Camille Mendoza


    In November 2021, my husband and I lost our second baby when I was nine weeks pregnant. Two years later, in June 2023 our first baby, Lauryn Adelie suddenly and unexpectedly passed at three years old. This is a trial we would not be able to carry without the grace of God, and the help of our little one’s prayers. She is teaching us more about Heaven, and actively helping us to also become saints. We are still pilgrims on our own earthly journey, and are grateful to serve and be so well-supported by Red Bird Ministries.

    Stay up to date on events, new releases, promotions and campaigns by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @Red Bird Ministries

  • Edith Ray, LPC


    Losing my dad at the age of 2 opened my eyes to a world of grief I never understood until I began my own healing journey. It wasn’t until I began exploring my grief through both the clinical and spiritual lens that I unlocked a spiritual awakening. I knew that there was so much healing that the Lord had in store for me and desired others to know this great gift. At Red Bird Ministries, we support and serve the human to get access to the saint. The supernatural gift of divine charity through the holy works of the Divine Physician allows families to be lowered through the roof to Jesus.

  • Kathy Purpera


    I was chosen to play a role in man’s salvation history, a small part perhaps. But there is nothing “little” in the eyes of God. My response does not end with me but echoes throughout time into eternity. The number of souls affected and saved by my fiat of “yes” will be known only when I come face to face with my all-powerful, knowing, and forever present Lord. I am deeply humbled. Thank you, Lord, for choosing me.

    Visit our website here for more information on Spiritual Direction and to schedule a time to connect.

  • Pam Stanford


    Red Bird has become another sweet surrender to God’s will of being able to journey compassionately with couples into a greater understanding that all of our sufferings has meaning, purpose, and redemptive power when united to our healer, Jesus Christ, and his true living presence in the Sacraments - Priceless

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