Who We Serve


Red Bird Ministries is a Catholic, pro-life/pro-family grief support ministry that focuses on bereaved families who have experienced child loss of any age and circumstance, including pregnancy loss through miscarriage and stillbirth, and after birth as an infant, child, ​​adolescent, or adult. While we operate as Catholics our ministry serves anyone who has experienced the loss of a child.​


+ Catholic Church +


Red Bird Ministries has received approval from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and is listed in the Official Catholic Directory.


Red Bird Ministries grief support programs are designed to equip Parish Family Life with resources, trainings, and implementation of Grief Support Groups.


Red Bird Ministries desires to help our Church minister and walk alongside our grieving families, helping them out of isolation and desolation back into community and back into Communion with God.

+ Catholic Families +



The weight of this cross is very heavy to any individual who has experienced a loss in the family. Many people struggle with understanding how to navigate through the trenches of grief. Some couples admit years later that their marriages are only surviving. It is our desire to help them find healing and consolation in times of unimaginable suffering through loving support from other people.


Red Bird Ministries stands out by serving and supporting families. We provide tools and resources to begin the healing process. By supporting both the father and mother together, we help couples learn how to grieve together and support one another. No matter the stage of grief our families are in; we will work with families to find healing through the beautiful gifts of Our Mother Church.

Companion Couples

Red Bird Ministries is run by couples for couples. The founders and families have experienced child loss and understand the magnitude of a bereaved parent’s suffering. When couples learn how to communicate and love each other through their grief, a beautiful transformation happens within the entire family.

Upcoming events.

March 2025

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