In the Spotlight
Red Bird Ministries is honored with the opportunity to be featured in articles, blogs, podcasts, radio shows, TV shows, as well as guest speakers with these great partners. Thank you for giving us a platform to reach a broader audience and get the word out about our ministry.
The Catholic Gentleman Podcast
Patrick O'Hearn and Bryan Feger, co-authors of "The Grief of Dads: Support and Hope for Catholic Fathers Navigating Child Loss." sit down with The Catholic Gentleman to discuss the loss of a child and the lasting effects it has on men. Drawing from their personal experiences of enduring multiple miscarriages, Patrick and Bryan offer a poignant exploration of the often-overlooked grief experienced by fathers in the wake of child loss. In this heartfelt conversation, they delve into the emotional, physical, and spiritual journey of fathers navigating miscarriage, stillbirth, and the loss of a child of any age, shedding light on the unique challenges they face and the support they need. If you have experienced this loss, you have our prayers; if you know someone who has, please share this episode with them.
At Home with Jim and Joy | Part One
A conversation with authors Patrick O’Hearn and Bryan Feger about the grief fathers experience during the loss of a child, and the differences between how men and women grieve. Part one of the two part series.
At Home with Jim and Joy | Part Two
For Catholic fathers navigating the loss of a child, Patrick O’Hearn and Bryan Feger give compassionate guidance on how to find peace and meaning in life during difficult times. Part two of the two part series.
The Evangelical Catholic - Priest for an Apostolic Age
After losing a child of her own, Kelly Breaux realized there was not sufficient support in her church community. So she set out to create Red Bird Ministries, where she trains others, priests and lay alike, to accompany families through the struggles that come with miscarriage and loss of a child.
In the this conversation, Kelly shares her story of loss, why she believes it is important to empower the priests to accompany families and what she has learned in serving.
Starting at the 6-minute mark, Fr. John Paul Mary shares a reflection on October 15th for World Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. He speaks to the heart of every grieving mother and father, those who recently experienced loss, and those whose child died a long time ago. A beautiful message that touched so many families watching.
Lisa Canning - The Possibility Mom
Lisa invited founder Kelly Breaux, co-founder of Red Bird Ministries, on her LIVE podcast to have an honest conversation about Healing and Hope after Miscarriage. Listen in as Lisa and Kelly a little more about their losses.
Clarion Herald
Where does someone turn when their spouse or their child dies? In the Archdiocese of New Orleans, there are several parish grief ministries available, especially for loss of a spouse. But, the newest, Red Bird Ministries, began at Our Lady of the Lake in Mandeville in 2021 to help parents cope with loss of a child. Three other parish chapters have followed, with additional ones coming soon.
The Catholic Faith Network
is at the service of the Word, the Church, the Bishops and the Encounter of Faith and Culture. Our mission is to proclaim the teachings of our Lord to the Catholic Community and beyond using media in all forms.
CFN Live hosted Kelly Breaux, co-founder of Red Bird Ministries, on their live show to talk about the launch of the first Catholic app for grieving families.
Miscarriage and infant loss are fairly ubiquitous. Approximately 1 in 4 women have experienced miscarriage. About 1 in 160 pregnancies end in stillbirths. And roughly 5.4 out of 1,000 infants will die in their first year.
Yet, for many women, the topic of miscarriage and infant loss can feel a bit taboo – or even shameful.
Grieving parents, this new app was designed to bring you support.
Theresa Civantos Barber - published on 09/18/22
The Red Bird Ministries app provides a safe place for bereaved parents to express their grief. And with the support of their community, they receive encouragement to invite God into even the hardest parts of grief.
“Supporting families who experience child loss is such important work that the Church is invited into,” Breaux said. “Everyone will, at some point, be affected by grief. Having the opportunity to meet them on their journey of healing has been the greatest gift that the Lord has asked us to give.”
At Home with Jim and Joy | Part 1
Losing a child can easily shatter a marriage and a family. Ryan and Kelly Breaux share their personal story of loss, and how they became whole by founding Red Bird Ministries to serve others who suffered the same fate.
At Home with Jim and Joy | Part 2
Learn more about Red Bird Ministries, founded by Ryan and Kelly Breaux after the tragic loss of their child. See how they’ve found strength by helping others, and the resources available for those in a similar situation.
SRNF Podcast
Kelly Breaux the Founder of Red Bird Ministries talks to Anne DeSantis of the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation for a podcast about her ministry. Red Bird Ministries offers pastoral care and outreach to those affected by the loss of a child/loved one.
Kelly is Founder and President of RedBird, a national organization that systematically guides individuals and couples through the complexity and trauma experienced by the loss of a child.
Say Yes to Holiness
Founder, Kelly Breaux, sits with Christina Semmens | Author, Speaker, Coach, and Spiritual Mentor. Host of Say Yes to Holiness Podcast. Family Member of the Apostles of Interior Life.
OSV Challenge winner Kelly Breaux shares how she brings hope to people suffering from the loss of a child.
Detroit Catholic
In the coming months, the Archdiocese of Detroit will launch a new grief ministry for parents who have lost children at any age or stage in life, Joyce said. Joyce will serve as chapter advocate and will use the resources provided by Red Bird Ministries to allow individual parishes and Families of Parishes to begin their own ministries of accompaniment.
What Kelly shares so humbly and beautifully is her journey from grief and anger to a place of real hope and healing. Through her experience, she was moved to found Red Bird Ministries, an organization that systematically guides individuals and couples through the complexity and trauma that happens with the loss of a child from pregnancy through adulthood.
Please join us for a deeply moving and emotional conversation that will inspire you toward greater trust in God, even through the hardest of times.
Catholic Faith Network
is at the service of the Word, the Church, the Bishops and the Encounter of Faith and Culture. Our mission is to proclaim the teachings of our Lord to the Catholic Community and beyond using media in all forms.
Rome Reports
Red Bird Ministries was featured on Rome Reports and shares with the Church the beauty of finding purpose in your pain. Check out the interview here.
Aleteia - Top 10 Ministries You Should Know About
Red Bird Ministries was featured in this resource article as 10 ministries that you should know about on December 28, 2020. Aleteia tied it around the new evangelization and how we should be restoring the Church. Here is the beautiful article they posted.
Bellator Society, Franchelle Jeager and Tracy Eddy, was joined by Dave McMaster, President and General Counsel of Uncommon Giving, a company focused on helping you discover nonprofits you love and amplify your giving impact.
To our surprise, Red Bird Ministries as gifted with something true, good, and beautiful. Listen to the whole live or starting at the 15:30 minute mark.
Cajun Catholics host Todd Citron interviews Kelly Breaux
Kelly Breaux, author of “Hiding in the Upper Room - How the Catholic Sacraments Healed Me From the Grief of Child Loss” shares her story of redemption and healing with host Todd Citron. Listen in.
Parenting: Red Bird Ministries helps parents cope with the loss of a child
Michelle and Kevin LeBlanc shared with KATC on On Good Morning Acadiana how Red Bird Ministries has stepped into their grief and offered support and love.
Guest Presenters: Ryan and Kelly were featured among 60+ Catholic Marriage Experts over three days with live "Main Events" each day.
Grieving Together - Journeying Through Miscarriage and Child Loss by the Breauxs
Guest Blogger: My Journey Through Loss & Grieving Our Twins: Two Part Series featured at Little with Great Love.com
Kelly Breaux shares her heart on restoring your heart after the trauma of child loss as a guest contributor at littlewithgreatlove.com
Guest speaker on the Bellator Colloquium podcast.
Talking about Victory through Grief with Kelly Breaux of Redbird Ministries, a Catholic grief support ministry for couples who have experienced the loss of a child. She shares with us the devastating and inspirational story of the loss of her children and how she is finding victory and healing in Christ through community and the sacraments.
Interview on Ave Maria Radio, Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo
Deacon Barney and his wife, Ms. Paula share about Red Bird Ministries on Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo while on the Good News Marriage cruise docked in Cozumel, Mexico.
Interview on Woman of Grace with host Johnnette Williams
Our own Ms. Beth on EWTN's Radio "Woman of Grace", with host Johnnette Williams as she embraces the essence of feminine spirituality as she informs, instructs and inspires listeners with the truth of the Catholic faith. November 21st episode approximately 5 minutes in. She shares her heart about losing her son and connecting with our ministry.
Guest on Your Catholic Life Podcast with Jon Leonetti
Jon Leonetti’s production assistant recently had lost a baby through miscarriage and found Red Bird Ministries through a Google search. Kelly shares how our ministry got started, and what baby loss month is about. If you missed the interview here you go. The interview starts @ 21:18
Grieving parents’ ministry helps others heal from child loss – both born and preborn
LIVE ACTION NEWS BY ANNE MARIE WILLIAMS Captured Kelly’s story in an article shared on Holy Saturday.
Guest on the Gus Lloyd “Seize the Day” Show
Ryan Breaux joined Gus Lloyd on the “Seize the Day”Show to talk about Red Bird Ministries. Ryan talks from being a husband perspective and what it took to open up his heart and the call to start the ministry.
Guest Blogger: Can My Marriage Really Survive?
Kelly Breaux, Co-Founder of Red Bird Ministries (www.redbird.love) and author of “Hiding in the Upper Room,” is a guest blog about marriage and grieving.
Guest on Thriving Thoughts with Dr. Sherri Podcast
Kelly shares her worst nightmare and her personal meeting with the "person of Jesus," allowed her to thrive even as she was trusting and being simultaneously triggered. Kelly has purposed her pain into a nonprofit that focuses on helping families who have lost children (from in-utero to adult) learn how to thrive in their grief.
Written by Theresa Civantos Barber | Jun 06, 2020. Red Bird Ministries offers that support where it is much needed, filling a gap in Catholic ministry and helping to bring healing to marriages and families.
Podcast from Relevant Radio: Loss, Grief, Hope & Healing Ministries; Saints, Sacraments, Shared Stories Today 4.28.20
What a blessing it was to be interviewed yesterday by Sheila Liaugminas on Relevant Radio talking about my redemption story and also about the grief of miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss. Thank you Cassie Evert author of Nursery of Heaven who invited me to hop on.
Kevin Burke, co-founder of Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries and Pastoral Associate for Priest for Life writes a short article to present to their readers about RBM.
In our efforts of upholding the sanctity of life, Mr. Burke was happy to share with his readers of the beautiful work that we do to help families who are open to life but who have experienced the loss of their child.
Brittney and Derek LaFosse will never forget February 25, 2019. It is forever etched into their memories as the day they lost their second child and first son, Matthew, to miscarriage.
Miscarriage had never been on the couple’s radar because, as Brittney told Live Action News, “We got pregnant very quickly with our first child,” a daughter. The couple uses natural family planning, so they knew when they conceived their second child a few years later.