Speaking Info
Ryan and Kelly speak on how their marriage blossomed, and the shackles of grief, fear, anxiety, and depression fell away after they came back into full communion with God. How it is possible to find peace and to have a thriving marriage after losing a child?
They teach couples how.
The Breaux’s
Ryan and Kelly Breaux are a powerful duo as witnesses to the world of the healing powers of the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. It wasn’t because someone told us about the healing powers of the Sacraments, it was because we experienced a profound healing through them. The Breaux’s share their story of their love, loss, and redemption together as a couple.
Together they share with others how when they started journeying through loss as a couple, in the Sacrament of Marriage, is when together as individuals they both found healing and hope. Their marriage blossomed, and the shackles of grief, fear, anxiety, and depression fell away. It is possible to find peace and to have a thriving marriage after losing a child. We teach couples how.
Book Ryan and Kelly
If you are looking to find an engaging speaker(s) when it comes to planning an event, conference, or parish event for bereaved families, Ryan and Kelly are a powerful duo as witnesses to the world of the healing powers of the Sacraments of the Catholic Church as well as a powerful story of how their marriage managed to thrive after carrying an extraordinary cross of child loss.
The Breaux’s live in Louisiana and are able to speak in and around the area, and are also available to travel.
Blog/Podcast Interviews
Diocesan and Parish Events
Leader and Clergy Training
Weekend Retreats
Speaking Events
Parish Couples Workshop
This is a one-day workshop for couples who have experienced the loss of a child. The day includes live testimony given by the founders, peer-led small groups, meetings with a spiritual director and a counselor, and dedicated couple time.
Weekend Retreat
Red Bird Ministries works with a sponsored diocese to host a weekend retreat for mothers and couples who have experienced the loss of a child. Retreatants will experience a weekend of healing with the RBM team. Included in the retreat, participants meet with counselors and spiritual directors.
Perinatal Loss Leader Training Retreat
Red Bird Ministries collaborates with a sponsored diocese to organize a weekend retreat for leaders seeking training to support families dealing with perinatal loss. Perinatal Loss includes miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss.
Conference Speaker
The Red Bird Ministries Team, in collaboration, is equipped to speak on various topics at conferences related to grief and suffering. These topics include peer accompaniment, counseling, social work, trauma, pastoral support, a catechetical approach to grief, ministering to the bereaved, and can give powerful witness talks.
Lenten Mission
If you are looking for speakers to lead a Lenten mission focusing on redemptive suffering and the shared experience of suffering as a couple, the Breaux’s are a beautiful witness to God’s healing power.
Information Session
A general introduction to Red Bird Ministries for priests, deacons, counselors, spiritual directors, and parish staff. Information Sessions usually preceded couples workshops, trainings, or retreats.
The Good Shepherd Workshop
The Good Shepherd Workshop is a 4-hour, in-person workshop designed for clergy to equip our first responders with the necessary information and skills to pastorally support families dealing with the loss of a child and those impacted by suicide.
Potential Speaking Topics
Hiding in the Upper Room - How the Catholic Sacraments Healed Me From The Grief of Child Loss
Child Loss, Finding the Passion of Christ in our Story
Grieving Together - A Couple’s Journey through Miscarriage and Child Loss
Love, Loss, and Redemption Together as a Couple
Ministering to Grieving Families within the Catholic Church
Bereaved Families - How to carry an extraordinary cross
Pro-Life & Pro-Family - How to live the Theology of the Body through Loss