Event Calendar
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Upcoming events.
Stay connected with support by signing up for email updates. You can also keep track of events here. See the calendar, and learn more below.
Lansing, MI // Good Shepherd Workshop
If you are a priest or deacon within the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan, we would like to extend a warm invitation to the upcoming clergy training workshop. Click here for more information.
St. Louis, MO // Couples Workshop
Please join us for a Loving Through Loss Workshop on Saturday, March 29th, at Bethany Farm. This workshop is intended for grieving parents who have lost a child from pregnancy through adulthood.
We will begin with registration and a light breakfast. The programming will include presenters as well as time for small group or couple discussion. Lunch will be provided. There will be spiritual direction and counseling available as well. Participation in the discussion is fully at your discretion.
For more information, contact Becky Materniak at (636)542-1100 or materniakfam@gmail.com
Our prayers are with you...
Lafayette, LA // Mothers Morning Reflection
Red Bird Ministries, in partnership with The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelists, presents The Secret Garden of Prayer: Finding the Key bereaved mothers reflection.
Join us on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist from 8 am to 12 pm for a morning reflection of prayer, and community.
The Mystery of Grief Small Group (Virtual)
To visit the small group event page, click here.
Follow Me Dad's Retrat
Follow Me, A Grieving Dad’s Retreat
is for men who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage and stillbirth or as an infant, child, adolescent, or adult.
Red Bird Ministries is offering an overnight weekend retreat in Louisiana for grieving fathers to experience hope, healing, and fellowship.
Phoenix, AZ // Golf Tournament
Arizona’s newest golf course, the Estates Course at the Arizona Biltmore Golf Club (formerly the Adobe Course), was designed by the Lehman Design Group and Scottsdale resident and five-time PGA TOUR champion Tom Lehman, the all-new Estates Course features beautifully contoured fairways, new tee boxes, improved green complexes, and features the addition of white sand bunkers throughout.
All funds raised will go toward clergy training for the Diocese of Phoenix, AZ.
Splintered With Sorrow Couples Retreat
The retreat is for couples who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage or stillbirth, as an infant, child, adolescent, or adult.
Families will have access to spiritual direction, counseling sessions, small group conversations, and private couple time. This healing retreat offers a valuable opportunity for support and healing that you won't want to miss.
Being that Father’s Day is Sunday, the retreat will go Thursday to Saturday.
Lake Charles, LA | Couples Workshop
Red Bird Ministries, in partnership with St. Pius X Catholic Church, presents Loving through Loss, a Couples Workshop for grieving families of child loss.
The workshop will take place on Saturday, August 23, 2025, at St. Pius X Catholic Church, 16816 Highway 171, Ragley, LA 70657. Check-in for the retreat will take place at 8:15 am and will conclude with the 4:00 PM VIGIL Mass. Mass will count as your Sunday obligation.
Registration is required for material preparation.
Restored Grieving Mothers Retreat
Restored, A Grieving Mother’s Retreat
is for women who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage and stillbirth or as an infant, child, adolescent, or adult
Lafayette, LA // Golf Tournament
The Farm d' Allie Golf Club in Louisiana is a spectacular eighteen-hole championship golf course comprised of 215 acres. Much of the course is situated in what the Acadians called bottomland or Beau Bassin.
All funds will go toward the first print run of the Remember program, loss to suicide.
Gary, IN | I Am Beloved, Not Broken Lenten Journal
St. Paul Parish in Valparaiso, IN is hosting a diocesan Grief Workshop for Parents of Child Loss.
This group will be meeting during the Sundays of Lent: March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6, from 1:00 -2:30 PM. Join us as we journey through brokenness to the place of belovedness, commemorating the 40 days Jesus spent praying and fasting in the desert. Whether you are new to the journey of child loss or desiring a more intimate relationship with the Lord, this journal is a safe place to take your grief during Lent. All meetings are completely confidential.
Registration is required. Register here. Participants can purchase their journal here.
For more information contact Rosanne at 219-769-9292 x88259 or rkouris@dcgary.org
Minneapolis/St. Paul MN | Mass of Remembrance
Our Catholic faith understands the pain of perinatal loss that parents and families experience when a pregnancy ends or an infant dies. The church has a deep desire to recognize and honor these losses and to extend hope, comfort and support to parents and families as they grieve.
We invite you to commemorate the loss of your baby's life at a special Mass of Remembrance. The service will feature music, readings, and rituals that allow each baby to be remembered and cherished. Contact Sue Scott for more information at 952-473-6601, ext 203 Sponsored by the St Bartholomew's Respect to Life Team.
Evansville, IN | Couples Workshop
Evansville Catholic Diocese presents
Loving Through Loss, a healing workshop for parents of child loss. For more information, please email chapter leader Leslie Schaefer.
Virtual Lenten Journal Small Group
Join other Red Bird families and leaders to walk through Lent with our Lenten Journal, I am Beloved, not Broken. We will meet virtually each Monday night from 7 pm CT - 8:15 pm CT for 7 weeks beginning March 3rd. Registration is $50 and includes a copy of the Lenten Journal, 7 small group sessions, and 3 months of the Family Support Toolbox. If you already have a copy of the Lenten Journal, registration is $25. Small groups will be broken down by your loss category and led by an experienced Red Bird leader.
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN | Known By God Mothers’ Retreat
A retreat for mothers grieving the loss of an unborn child
Spokane, WA | Grief Group
Come join our "Finding the Passion of Christ in our Story" grief support group at 7 pm PT. We will meet for ten Wednesdays, starting on February 5th, at St. Mary Catholic Church, 304 S Adams Rd, Spokane Valley, WA.
The cost is $125/couple or $99/couple for those who register by January 25th.
For more information and to register, please contact Bridget at spokaneredbird@gmail.com.

Monthly Virtual Prayer Retreat: Learning to Lament
Our January Prayer Retreat will be on Learning to Lament.
Join other Red Bird families next Thursday, January 30th from 7 pm CT - 8:15 pm CT to pray, reflect, and learn about how to pour your heart out to the Lord. Together, we will understand the biblical nature of lament and write and pray our own lament. Retreat cost is $10 per family, but free for Family Support Toolbox members, (Each family will receive a free one month subscription to the toolbox with your registration fee.) Click here to register.
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN | Information Night
Please join us for our Red Bird Information Night with Guest Speaker Anne Reiner to learn more about this wonderful ministry!
The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis has endorsed our efforts in growing Red Bird Ministries throughout the diocese. While we operate as Catholics, we serve all families who have experienced the loss of a child. All are welcome.
We have a dedicated team of volunteers and companion couples, along with supportive surrounding parishes, who will be thoroughly trained and knowledgeable in the ministry.
Please sign up using the QR code on the flyer. For more information, contact the parish office at Office@saintboni.org or the St Boniface Red Bird team at stboniredbirdarchspm@gmail.com.
Hope to see you there!
Peoria, IL | Grief Group
Please join us for a 10-week small group for those who have lost a child. Parents and grandparents are invited to walk with us beginning January 28, 2025, for 10 weeks as we dive into Finding the Passion of Christ in Our Story.
Please go to epiphanyparish.com to sign up.
For more information, please contact stephanie.demboski@epiphanyparish.com
Spokane, WA | Community Event
Come to the social on January 25th to meet other families of loss in the area! The event starts at 10 am PT at St. Mary Catholic Parish. Register for the upcoming 10-week "Finding the Passion of Christ in our story" Grief Group Study that begins on February 5th.
For more information, contact Bridget at spokaneredbird@gmail.com.
Fellowship Sunday | St. Boniface in Saint Bonifacius, MN
Join us for fellowship on Sunday, January 19, 2025, at St. Boniface in St. Bonifacius, MN, at 12:00 pm.
Our dedicated Red Bird volunteers will warmly welcome you with delicious donuts and freshly brewed coffee at an information table featuring everything Red Bird for our beloved parishioners.
For more information, email Therese Drey or by phone 952-446-1054
Baton Rouge, LA | Couples Workshop
Red Bird Ministries, in partnership with St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, presents Loving through Loss, a Couples Workshop for grieving families of child loss.
The workshop will take place on Saturday, January 18, 2025, at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, 15208 Hwy 73, Prairieville, La. 70769
Check-in for the retreat will take place at 8:30 am and will conclude with the 4:30 PM VIGIL Mass. Mass will count as your Sunday obligation.
Registration is required for material preparation.
Phoenix, AZ | Couples Workshop
The workshop will take place on Saturday, January 11, 2025, at Mount Claret Retreat Center located at 4633 N. 54th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85018.
Check-in for the retreat will take place at 8:30 am and will conclude with 6 PM Mass. Mass will count as your Sunday obligation.
Registration is FREE, but required for material preparation.
For More Information and overnight accommodations, please email Brian Laspisa at phoenixchapter.redbird@gmail.com
Minneapolis/St. Paul | Mass of Remembrance
Join us for a Mass of Remembrance at St. Boniface on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at 6:30 pm CDT. A Red Bird Information table will be available for parishioners to check out after Mass. Special remembrance will be noted for families of loss.
For more information, email Therese Drey or by phone 952-446-1054
New Orleans, LA | Grieving Parents Support Group
Every Second and Fourth Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 pm. Contact Val Hebert at valencemet@aol.com or call 504-427-0327
New Orleans, LA | Healing After Loss to Overdose and Suicide
We are a community of those who remain here, after the death of family members by overdose or suicide. Our community embraces one another by sharing, supporting, and praying for one another, to help with the healing process.
2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 7:oopm.
For more information, Please Contact Val Hebert at valencemet@aol.com or 504-427-0237.
Diocese of Cleveland // Couple's Workshop

Advent Prayer Retreat
Advent is again upon us – a season of longing and waiting. For those of us who know grief from the death of a child, it may be a season of even heavier sorrow as we struggle to face the holidays without our child. There is great suffering, but Advent promises hope, the hope of a promise that will be fulfilled, a promise that He is close to the broken-hearted.
As we begin Advent, we invite you to join us for a special virtual event. We are honored to have Katie Weiss, bereaved mother and founder of Behold Visio Divina, to guide us through an Advent Prayer Retreat. Katie will offer reflections through sacred art, prayer, and beauty to help us find hope and consolation to carry us through the Advent season to the fulfillment of the Promise at Christmas. Together, we will find hope that our suffering is not the end of our story.
Monday, December 2nd via Zoom from 6:00 pm - 7:45 pm CT
The event is free for subscribers to our Family Support Toolbox, but registration is still required.
All other families are invited to register for $10.
If you are a part of our Red Bird app, you will receive a month of free access to our Family Support Toolbox resource library with your registration fee.
Archdiocese of New Orleans/Healing After Loss to Overdose and Suicide
We are a community of those who remain here, after the death of family members by overdose or suicide. Our community embraces one another by sharing, supporting, and praying for one another, to help with the healing process.
2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 7:oopm.
For more information, Please Contact Val Hebert at valencemet@aol.com or 504-427-0237.
Virtual Morning Reflection "Hope in God" | Families of Suicide
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
Join us for a morning of reflection with Msgr. John Perkinton, Sr. Kathryn Maney, and Elizabeth Leon
Saturday, November 23rd
10 AM - 11:30 AM CT
St. Augustine, FL // Couples Retreat
Red Bird Ministries, in partnership with The Diocese of St. Augustine, FL, is offering an overnight weekend retreat at the Marywood Retreat Center for grieving couples of all ages, stages, and circumstances from pregnancy through adulthood.
When: November 22-24, 2024
Where: Marywood Retreat Center 235 Marywood Drive St. Johns, FL 32259
Diocese of Lake Charles, LA | Mass of Remembrance
Please join us for a Mass of Remembrance on Thursday, November 21, 2024, at 6:00 PM. After the Mass, we will host a reception. All families are invited to join us.
The Mass of Remembrance is for parents, grandparents, family members, and friends of those who have experienced the loss of a child from pregnancy through adulthood.
Sign-in sheets will be available at the church entrance for families to sign their child’s name, which will be read during intercessions. Families are invited to come up and light their child's candle when his/her name has been read.
For more information, please contact the parish office at secretary@spx.com.
Archdiocese of New Orleans/Grieving Parents Support Group
Every Second and Fourth Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 pm. Contact Val Hebert at valencemet@aol.com or call 504-427-0327
Archdiocese of New Orleans/Healing After Loss to Overdose and Suicide
We are a community of those who remain here, after the death of family members by overdose or suicide. Our community embraces one another by sharing, supporting, and praying for one another, to help with the healing process.
2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 7:oopm.
For more information, Please Contact Val Hebert at valencemet@aol.com or 504-427-0237.
Diocese of Lafayette, LA // Couples Workshop
Red Bird Ministries, in partnership with St. Joseph Catholic Church, presents Loving through Loss, a Couples Workshop for grieving families of child loss.
The workshop will take place on Saturday, November 9, 2024, at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 401 South Adams Avenue, Rayne, LA, 70578.
Check-in for the retreat will take place at 9:00 am and will conclude with the 4:00 PM VIGIL Mass. Mass will count as your Sunday obligation.
Registration is required for material preparation. Please make sure you complete your registration by going to your shopping cart and checking out. You will receive a confirmation email.
Donations are accepted to cover material costs.
Lafayette, LA | Mass of Remembrance
Mass of Remembrance
Join us on Saturday, October 26, 2024, at 10:00 am at St. Piux X Catholic Church. Please email Brittany Simon or call (337) 261-5653 for more information.
Diocese of Phoenix, AZ // Mass of Remembrance
Please join us for a Mass of Remembrance on Saturday, October 26, 2024, at 10:00 AM. After the Mass, we will host a reception.
The Mass of Remembrance is for parents, grandparents, family members, and friends of those who have experienced the loss of a child from pregnancy through adulthood.
Sign-in sheets will be available at the church entrance for families to sign their child’s name to be read during intercessions. Families are invited to come up and light their child's candle when his/her name has been read.
For more information, please contact Brian Laspisa at phoenixchapter.redbird@gmail.com.