Order Support Bundles
“What you are doing I cannot do, what I’m doing you cannot do, but together we are doing something beautiful for God, and this is the greatness of God’s love for us — to give us the opportunity to become holy through the works of love that we do because holiness is not the luxury of the few. It is a very simple duty for you, for me — you in your position, in your work and I and others, each one of us in the work, in the life that we have given our word of honor to God. … You must put your love for God in a living action.”
— St. Teresa of Calcutta
Let us help you serve grieving families.
Below you can find our Parish & Diocesan Support Bundle options that can be purchased to accompany a grieving family in your community. Red Bird Ministries will ship these support bundles directly to the family on your behalf.
Note: Tax and shipping costs the not included in price
Family Resource Bundle
Introductory Red Bird Ministries Packet including complementary services:
Comfort Calls
Monthly Spiritual Direction
Counseling Referrals
Access to Red Bird Ministries App
1 Year access to premium content $99
Connect during weekly check-ins, family support office hours, prayer plans, monthly webinars, quarterly retreats, and more.
1 copy of each book:
The Grief of Dads and Hiding in the Upper Room
Individual Support Bundle
Introductory Red Bird Ministries Packet including complementary services:
Comfort Calls
Monthly Spiritual Direction
Counseling Referrals
Access to Red Bird Ministries App
1 Year access to premium content $99
Connect during weekly check-ins, family support office hours, prayer plans, monthly webinars, quarterly retreats, and more.
Choose 1 Book Selection
The Grief of Dads for Men or
Hiding in the Upper Room for Women
Choose 1 Retreat Scholarship Selection:
Follow Me, A Grieving Dad’s Retreat ($300)
Restored Grieving Mom’s Retreats ($300)
Revival Grieving Mom’s Retreat ($300)
Couples Support Bundle
Introductory Red Bird Ministries Packet including complementary services:
Comfort Calls
Monthly Spiritual Direction
Counseling Referrals
Access to Red Bird Ministries App
1 Year access to premium content $99
Connect during weekly check-ins, family support office hours, prayer plans, monthly webinars, quarterly retreats, and more.
1 copy of each book:
The Grief of Dads
Hiding in the Upper Room
Restoring Love
Scholarship to cover the cost of attending 1 mother’s retreat AND 1 father’s retreat
Choose from the options below:
Follow Me, A Grieving Dad’s Retreat ($300)
Restored Grieving Mom’s Retreat ($300)
Revival Grieving Mom’s Retreat ($300)
Parish Support Bundle
Parish Support Bundle
When no bereavement resources are available in your parish, this parish resource bundle can be a great help to parishes.

“Red Bird Ministries is committed to helping families of loss and those who support us live a Sacramental Life pursuing holiness in our attempt to achieve heaven.”
— Ryan and Kelly Breaux, Founders of Red Bird Ministries