Order Support Bundles

“What you are doing I cannot do, what I’m doing you cannot do, but together we are doing something beautiful for God, and this is the greatness of God’s love for us — to give us the opportunity to become holy through the works of love that we do because holiness is not the luxury of the few. It is a very simple duty for you, for me — you in your position, in your work and I and others, each one of us in the work, in the life that we have given our word of honor to God. … You must put your love for God in a living action.”

— St. Teresa of Calcutta

Let us help you serve grieving families.

Below you can find our Parish & Diocesan Support Bundle options that can be purchased to accompany a grieving family in your community. Red Bird Ministries will ship these support bundles directly to the family on your behalf.

Note: Tax and shipping costs the not included in price

Family Resource Bundle


Individual Support Bundle


Couples Support Bundle


Parish Support Bundle

Parish Support Bundle

When no bereavement resources are available in your parish, this parish resource bundle can be a great help to parishes.

“Red Bird Ministries is committed to helping families of loss and those who support us live a Sacramental Life pursuing holiness in our attempt to achieve heaven.”

— Ryan and Kelly Breaux, Founders of Red Bird Ministries