Welcome to the team
Please help us welcome our newest team member.
Mikayla attended our Restored Grieving Mothers Retreat in September. Before the weekend was over, this precious young lady’s heart had grown with a desire to serve. God truly works miracles.
Mikayla will be serving as Development Director helping with mission support and national growth.
Hi, my name is Mikayla Baggett, and I live outside of Sarasota, Florida. My husband Craig and I were married in November of 2020- in the middle of all the craziness. In the summer of 2021, we found out we were unexpectedly pregnant. We were scared but ecstatic. We did not feel we were ready to be parents yet but were so humbled and excited for God’s plan and how he was giving us the gift of life. We were cautious about announcing our pregnancy and only told close friends and family. Once we thought that we were outside of the “danger zone,” we announced our pregnancy at 15 weeks for everyone to see, blissfully unaware of what was to come. September 28, 2021, at 16.5 weeks pregnant, our worst nightmare came true- I was miscarrying. I was so upset and mad at God. Why would he give us this precious life and then allow it to be taken away? I spent weeks crying myself to sleep while my husband would hold me and I remember very clearly asking God every night, “why did you abandon me?” I felt I was being punished for all of my sins. I also wondered if there was something I did wrong during pregnancy and something I could have done better.
When I found Red Bird Ministries, it was hard for me to accept I was a part of this “grieving moms club.” A “club” no one wants to be in. How could I be labeled as a mom when I don’t have any living children? Red Bird transformed my outlook on my grief, gave me hope, connected me with many other beautiful women, and always points me back to Jesus and our faith. I have found so much comfort in this community, knowing I am not alone. Through surrendering to Jesus, I was able to start finding great healing and purpose for our loss. It was a joy to be chosen to carry our little baby for its short life and be given this extraordinary cross to carry. I often think about how Mary must have felt watching her precious son be crucified for us all, and I strive to have her faith, surrender, and trust in our lord.
I am overjoyed and privileged to be part of this ministry and hope to help lead many others to Christ while on their grieving journey.