The Secret Garden of Prayer

Finding the Key

Red Bird Ministries, in partnership with The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelists, presents The Secret Garden of Prayer: Finding the Key bereaved mothers reflection.

Join us on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist from 8 am to 12 pm for a morning reflection of prayer, and community.

The Secret Garden of Prayer: Finding the Key is a compassionate refuge for bereaved mothers navigating the profound journey of child loss. This sanctuary provides a unique community based on the age of our departed children, allowing mothers an opportunity, if ready, to share their stories and grief in a safe, loving environment. Emphasizing solidarity in grief, this nurturing space fosters a sense of community, reminding participants that they are not alone in their sorrow. Through understanding and shared healing, The Secret Garden of Prayer becomes a vital support network, encouraging hope and solace amidst the challenges of loss.

Take a look at our agenda and speakers

8:00 am Begin with Mass

8:30 am Breakfast by age group

9:00 am The Secret Garden of Loss By Kelly Breaux

9:30 am Journaling

9:45 am Finding the Key to Loss By Dana Miller

10:15 am Journaling

10:30 am Garden of Prayer By Brittany Primeaux

11:00 am Small grouping by age of loss

12:00 pm Closing Prayers

  • Kelly Breaux


    For a long time, my pain served no purpose. Grief is the most human experience one can go through. I couldn’t escape it. The world provided no peace for me, only emptiness. Everything changed when I met Christ. The call to Red Bird was spoken over my life before my children died. God allowed something I viewed as broken, messy, and weak; and transformed it into something beautiful.

    Red Bird Ministries is a gift to the Church and I am honored to walk with mothers through the loss of their child.

  • Dana Miller


    When my mother died, the new grief of my mother and the grief of my son Paul Vincent collided, and I didn’t know where I landed. Navigating the world without my mom while still holding onto the grief of my baby was hard. I miss them every day, and yet the Lord has allowed me the grace to walk again, smile again, and to live again.

    The gift of Red Bird Ministries has been a sisterhood I never knew I needed, and together we learn to walk again.

  • Brittany Primeaux


    December 4, 2017 my son Leo passed away from SIDS. I remember walking into our Parochial Vicar’s office. I told that priest “I was Faithful. I held onto Faith after our miscarriage, and now this??” Oh the questions.

    His words still echo in my heart. “He is the same God Brittany. That God who carried you through the loss of your miscarried baby, is the SAME GOD who is carrying you now. He never changes, even when we do.” These words have carried me through so many hard days.

We hope to see you there.

Your pain matters to us, and we hope that we get to love you right where you are in the middle of the hurt. See you on Saturday, April 5, 2025.