Grief Group Program

Finding the Passion of Christ in our Story

The program is comprised of ten sessions. Each session will take approximately one hour to an hour and 20 mins. You can schedule them weekly, monthly, or as a three-day retreat. It is designed for in-person or adaptable to host a virtual group support.

Materials and Presentations

  • Leaders Guide

    Each leader who helps with a grief group should receive a copy of the guide.

  • Participants Journal

    Each person who attends should receive a copy of the journal.


Enjoy a crafted presentation to present with your grief group materials. Two options are below. The interactive presentation includes real time revisions. The PowerPoint presentation is current but will not reflect real-time revisions.

Google Drive

Access our google drive to download powerpoint presentations, videos, images, logos, and more.

Quick Downloadables


Vocation Statement

A vocation statement helps to define who you are and what God is calling you to become. It reflects the fundamentals for fulfilling your purpose in life. As it relates to why God created you, your vocation statement should become that which directs everything in your life – your priorities, goals, time, and decisions.

Pulpit Announcement

Advertising your workshop in your home parish will be instrumental in opening hearts. Plan 2-3 weeks before your workshop to talk before or after mass. Ideally, Father will allow you to invite parishioners to a table outside for more information.

Bulletin Announcement

If your parish will do a write up this bulletin announcement is a great way to share about the work that Red Bird Ministries is doing. For simpler bulletin announcements please use the flyer or social card graphics.


Grief Group Promo

This video shows families a preview of the content of the grief group. It takes them inside to see the powerful content.

Templates and Additional Resources

How to use:

  1. Set up an account with Canva. They do offer a FREE account and will work with these templates.

  2. Click on the link attached to each image below.

  3. For each template, you must follow the following steps.

  4. Click on the File tab on the left upper side of the page.

  5. Click on make a copy.

  6. Use the copy that you created to start creating graphics for your chapter.


Flyer Style 1

10 Session grief group flyer.

Flyer Style 2

10 Session grief group flyer.

Social Media Card

10 Session grief group social media card.



Copyright Notice

All Rights Reserved.

All material appearing on the Red Bird Ministries website (“Content”), including printed materials and/or digital materials, is owned by Red Bird Ministries or the party credited as the content provider. You may not copy, print, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit any such content, nor may you distribute any part of this content over any network, including a local area network, sell or offer it for sale, or use such content to construct any kind of database. Red Bird Ministries will not allow parishes, dioceses, and other organizations to photocopy and distribute these resources under any circumstance. Those that violate the copyright law will be prosecuted. 

You may not alter or remove any copyright or other notice from copies of the content on the Red Bird Ministries website. Copying or storing any content except as provided above is expressly prohibited without prior written permission of Red Bird Ministries or the copyright holder identified in the individual content’s copyright notice. For permission to use the content on the Red Bird Ministries website, please contact