An Authentically Catholic 12-Week Program on Grief and Suicide Loss

Introducing Remember, our newest initiative: a grief-support program tailored to comfort those facing the shock, devastation, and crushing burden of suicide.

Help us bring the Remember Journal to print.

Friends of Red Bird,

First of all, my heart goes out to you as you grieve the loss of your loved one to suicide. I know the pain. I lost my little sister, Clare, who died by suicide on June 15, 2020. She was the apple of my eye. I am grateful to God for her life, her vivacious personality, her adventurous nature, sense of humor, and desire for the good and beautiful. I miss taking walks with her, calling her on the phone, hearing about her travels, and sharing in her joys and sorrows. Through good spiritual direction, therapy, and contact with others who have lost someone to suicide, I have learned to continue my relationship with Clare because “ is changed, not ended” (Roman Missal Preface I for the Dead).

Though we all grieve differently, we share the hurt of a sudden, traumatic loss. After searching for help for my family and myself, I discovered that there are not many options for support that reflect an authentic Catholic understanding of God and of the human person.

In 2022, I learned of the suicide death of a local man who was very active in his parish and loved by many. I told the Lord of my desires for the healing of this family, my family, and others like them who carry the cross of suicide loss. He gave me the idea for Remember.

It would be an incredible honor for me to bring Remember to parishes and train leaders. Will you help us get our program printed?

May our risen Lord bless you all!

Text any amount to (337) 216-1200

Red Bird Ministries is a registered 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible in the US.

Remember Promo Video

Sr. Kathryn Interview

Interested in the program for your parish?

Download the flyer and place it in your bulletin to gauge interest.

  • "Sr. Kathryn and Tom excel at facilitating the Remember group meetings, which are very well organized. Losing a child is heart-wrenching, but suicide adds another dimension, making this type of grief support essential. I appreciate the meeting structure, which allows time for talking, listening, and reflecting, along with professional videos. I highly recommend this Remember group format. It has been a tremendous blessing and aid in my grieving process."

    ~ Debbie

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