Benefactor opportunity.

Over 25% of the American population will experience the loss of a child (from pregnancy through adulthood) and most never get the support or help they need and deserve. Out of 331M Americans, 71M are self identified Catholics.  An estimated 25% (18M) of these Catholics will experience the loss of a child during child bearing years.

The Problem & Our Solution


Only 5% will seek in-person help for the grief that they are experiencing, leaving 17M Catholics vulnerable needing support from the Church. 1 in 4 people sitting in our Church pews has experienced the loss of a child.

This is where Red Bird Ministries steps in. To offer a comprehensive & multifaceted Catholic grief support programs which encompass a model of evangelization, catechesis, and accompaniment that does not exist in the Church today.

Red Bird Ministries OSV Pitch Deck Video

  • For us fundraising is more than just asking for donations, it is about partnering with individuals and foundations who are invested in mission-based entrepreneurs. We desire to be financially stable for God to use our ministry, revenue streams, programs and services to bless the society around us.

  • Red Bird Ministries is pioneering a comprehensive and multi-faceted Catholic grief support program specific to child loss. We partner with dioceses and parishes to equip and provide Catholic programs, training, pathways to implementation, and ongoing formation.

Interested in supporting
Red Bird Ministries?

Will you help us unlock our potential to serve even more families? Funding our pathway programs will have a significant impact on our trajectory.

We are seeking partners who can identify with the extraordinary cross Red Bird Families carry called child loss. The statistics are alarming, the direct impact the death of a child brings on marriages, and other relationships that lead families onto a spectrum of issues that can compound and lead to dysfunction.

We believe accompaniment is key to our support group programs that foster both institutional and family connection and nurture authentic accompaniment for bereaved families.

We need your support. Together, we will walk alongside our grieving families helping them out of isolation and desolation (where grief naturally takes them) back into community and back into Communion with God.

Let’s schedule a call to see how you can support our mission.


OSV Innovation Challenge

Our Journey

  • Dream it.

    Out of the 650 applications, Red Bird Ministries is among these 12 Challengers selected to advance to the Final Round of the 2021 OSV Innovation Challenge to compete for one of three prizes of $100,000 to advance their missions.

    We are so humbled and honored be a part of this initiative.

  • Build it.

    OSV Challenge of “Leave a Legacy” focusing on groundbreaking ideas with the most potential impact to a target audience fueled us! In the semi-finals we entered a 6-week accelerator program with the University of St. Thomas. With the support from our spiritual director and mentors we were able to create a road map for the future of Red Bird and the families we serve

  • Grow it.

    Through the OSV Innovation Challenge we were able to create key essential pieces to ensure the ministry remains sustainable to help us fulfill our mission even greater. During this process, at times, it felt like we were refining silver. Our spiritual director, Sr. Josephine helped us continue this work in prayer and trust that whatever the Lord led us through was holy and worthy.

  • Give thanks.

    We are indebted for the relationships we gained and the tools to go into the world. We are eternally grateful for the support of the OSV Institute, the University of St. Thomas, our mentors, and our team.

    We have a 5-year business plan and a pitch deck that is worthy of your attention.

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“I have dreamed of the day when the Church would see the needs of families of child loss the same way that we do. So when I received the call from the president of the OSV Institute, Jason Shanks, saying they believed that our idea could change the Church. I wept.”

— Kelly Breaux, Red Bird Ministries President

Kelly and Ryan Breaux Founders Story