Spreading the Mission, Supporting Families of Loss
Blue Jeans for the Birds
Start Your Fundraiser
In honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, October 15th, Red Bird Ministries is partnering with Catholic schools and organizations around the world to help raise funds to continue supporting families of child loss.
Blue Jeans for the Birds (BJ4B) is an exciting new Red Bird Ministries signature fundraising program where volunteers organize and host “wear jeans to work or school” events called Blue Jeans for the Birds day(s) in their office or school to raise funds for Red Bird Ministries’ programs.
On a specified day, you and your co-workers will make a donation to Red Bird Ministries in exchange for dressing down and wearing jeans. We suggest a $5 donation for offices and perhaps a smaller donation of $1 in the elementary school environment.
This event is great in conjunction with Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month in October, especially on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, October 15th, but we encourage you to host BJ4B fundraisers year-round or even once a month. This helps us continue to support our families and make our programs FREE or as low cost to them as possible.
Blue Jeans for the Birds
If you are a Catholic school or organization that would like to raise awareness and support for the mission of Red Bird Ministries, join us on Friday, October 13th, in honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.
Red Bird Ministries will provide your school or organization with a branded fundraiser flyer, social graphics, and a blurb announcement for your fundraiser. All mission support raised will go back to the National Red Bird office to continue its important work of supporting families of child loss.
Projects Red Bird has in queue:
The Good Shepherd Program: In partnership with Divine Mercy University, The Good Shepherd Program is clergy and parish staff formation and education on the human and spiritual effects of grief and child loss. and how the Church can pastorally support families in crisis.
The Body Project: Helping women love their bodies, be open to life after pregnancy loss, and reclaim their identity as the beloved daughter God created them to be in their motherhood, even in grief.
Remember: For families impacted by suicide, a parish-based support program to accompany families after suicide through the lens of our Catholic faith.
Continued support through our branded app, spiritual direction, comfort calls, and many other virtual offerings.
Help families like Maddy’s
"I found Red Bird Ministries through the Hallow app in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep."
- Maddy S.
My husband and I had been trying to conceive for 3 years. I had undergone numerous amounts of testing, medication, and surgery and found out that I had endometriosis. The 3 years of trying was also a very testing time for my faith, after doing all the right things, it was hard to accept why we weren't able to have a child. Then.. we got pregnant.. it felt like we had everything – this was the happiest moment of my life after all the years of pain and struggle.
One week later, the bleeding started. The cramps began- all of this pain was bearable because I held on to hope. I wanted to believe everything would be ok and God could possibly not do this to us after all we had been through.
I found Red Bird Ministries through the Hallow app, in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep. To this day I am still listening to those sessions on repeat. They make me cry. They acknowledge my pain and grief. They give me strength to know I am not alone... and they are helping me to surrender this pain to the Lord.