How You Die, When Someone You Love Dies

When someone you love dies, it can feel like a part of you is dying too. You might feel that way for weeks, months, or years—but it's not true.

You are still there. You're still breathing. And while it may seem like the world has ended, with time and support from others who've been there before you, you'll find your way back to life again.

Here are a few ways to help you through your grief and healing journey-

1) Talk to someone who's been there: When you're grieving, it's tempting to try and hide your feelings from others because they don't understand what you're going through or they just don't want to listen. But talking to someone who's been through the same thing can help make sense of things when nothing else does. It will also help remind them what they went through so they can empathize with how difficult your situation is now too!

2) There is no one way to grieve: Feelings are complicated things! They come in waves and sometimes crash over us all at once—then fade away again as if nothing ever happened… only for another wave

The death of a child is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a person. There is no one way to grieve, and there are many ways to heal from this loss. The fact is, there is no one way to grieve—and that's okay.

It's important to realize that everyone handles loss differently, so if you're feeling stuck or confused about how to handle your own grief, reach out for help. Talk to someone who has been through something similar—your friends and family members are usually eager to help, but if they can't, find someone else who will listen and support you as you heal from your loss.

The important thing is that YOU get through this however YOU need to get through it—and it will get better. It may not seem that way now, but trust me: there will be good days again someday.

Ashley Leger

Ashley Leger currently lives in Parks, a small town in Louisiana. She is married to her husband Brayton and together they have two sons. Coen is 5 years old and their little saint in heaven Cayse. Cayse was diagnosed with Anencephaly at 11 weeks gestation, and we carried him as far as the Lord allowed. He was born into heaven on January 6, 2021.


I want to live unafraid


Overcoming Unhealthy Grieving Habits