Episode 5: Understanding Grief: Moving Beyond Stages & Phases


Sponsored by The Knights of Columbus - Dean Agency. We are so grateful for their generous support of Red Bird Ministries.  

In this episode, Kelly, Elizabeth and Brittany talk about the common model of grief “stages” and compare that to the reality of what it is like to live through grief. 

We each talk about their understanding of grief *before* grief came knocking on their door and how that knowledge about grief compares with their experience of grief.  

We debunk the idea that the 5 Stages of Grief are a reasonable expectation for those suffering the loss of a child. Coined by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, the 5 stages (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance)  were not actually about grief at all, but rather a model for how an individual can move through their own imminent death.  

At the same time, we are desperate to find a way to contain the enormity of our grief.  Very often the bereaved are searching for anything to help them find structure or expectation through the devastation of losing a child. 

We discuss the 4 Tasks of Mourning as described by Worden and how that fits into our experience of grief and loss:  To Accept the Reality of the Loss, To Process the Pain of Grief, To Adjust to a World Without the Deceased, and To Find an Enduring Connection With the Deceased in the Midst of Embarking on a New Life. 

Finally, we offer HOPE to all of us suffering the extraordinary cross of child loss:  You are not alone. Take all your grief to Jesus.  He longs to bring you comfort and restoration. 

We pray this episode blesses you and helps you feel seen and understood in your grief.  You are not alone.  Red Bird Ministries is here to help you carry your extraordinary cross of grieving, loving, and mourning your child. Your grief is not for nothing.  The Lord is so close. 

Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, pray for us. 

Elizabeth Leon

Elizabeth Leon is the Director of Family Support for Red Bird Ministries. She and her husband Ralph are from Ashburn, Virginia and have ten children between them - five of hers, four of his, and their son, John Paul Raphael who died on January 5, 2018. His short and shining life was a sacred experience that transformed her heart and left a message of love for the world: let yourself be loved. She writes about finding the Lord in the darkness of grief in her book Let Yourself Be Loved: Big Lessons from a Little Life, available wherever books are sold. Read more from Elizabeth at www.letyourselfbeloved.com.


Episode 6: The Power of Sharing your Story


4: Surviving the Dark Days, Tips and Tools