Episode 15: From “Why Me?” to “What Now?”

“The God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory through Christ [Jesus] will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you after you have suffered a little.” - 1 Peter 5:10

In this episode, Kelly, Brittany, and Elizabeth discuss the struggle of moving from “Why me?” to “What Now?” in the face of grief and loss. We share personal stories and experiences of grappling with these questions and the emotions that come with them. We also explore the concept of acceptance and how it doesn't mean being okay with the loss, but rather acknowledging and facing the reality of it. We conclude with a discussion on surrender and the importance of allowing God to work in our hearts through the pain. We pray our conversation is a balm to your tender, hurting heart.  God bless you, dear ones! 

Takeaways include:

  • The hard questions are so normal in grief … we have all been there. 

  • Acceptance involves surrendering to the reality of loss and allowing ourselves to feel the pain.

  • Surrendering to God's will means trusting in His plan and being open to His healing.

  • Surrendering does not mean avoiding or ignoring the pain, but rather embracing it and allowing God to work through it.

  • In the journey of surrender, it is important to be patient and open, and to hold on to hope and joy in the midst of grief. The light will come. 

Elizabeth Leon

Elizabeth Leon is the Director of Family Support for Red Bird Ministries. She and her husband Ralph are from Ashburn, Virginia and have ten children between them - five of hers, four of his, and their son, John Paul Raphael who died on January 5, 2018. His short and shining life was a sacred experience that transformed her heart and left a message of love for the world: let yourself be loved. She writes about finding the Lord in the darkness of grief in her book Let Yourself Be Loved: Big Lessons from a Little Life, available wherever books are sold. Read more from Elizabeth at www.letyourselfbeloved.com.


Episode 16: Birds of a Feather Flock Together


Episode 14: Living an Eternal Lent