
Resources at your fingertips to help you serve hearts.

Information Webinar

A presentation for all leaders to share the ministry at your volunteer meeting.

Informational Webinar

Please make sure to share this impactful video about the work of Red Bird Ministries with potential volunteers. It will be a valuable addition to your volunteer information meeting or when speaking with your pastor.

Get access to the RBM Google Drive here.

Your google drive has additional resources for leaders.

Order Your Refillable Materials

Couples Workshop Participants Guide

Grief Group Participants Journal

Quick Downloadables


Tri-Fold Brochure Digital

Place these items at the back of your parish, by the confession, in the cemetery office, or with counselors.

Tri-Fold Brochure Printed

Place these items at the back of your parish, by the confession, in the cemetery office, or with counselors.

Case For Support Digital

Please take a closer look at the beautiful work we are doing to support ordinary families who have been given an extraordinary cross to carry.

Become an Advocate Postcard

A beautifully designed postcard for collecting information from potential leaders. These postcards are available for purchase. Kindly request if interested.



Ministry Video

This video is the key to unlocking the hearts of clergies, religious, families, and friends of those who need to know about the work that we do. Education is key when trying to spread the mission of Red Bird.

Healing Box

We provide these healing boxes that anyone can fill to send to a family of loss. This is a great resource to direct families to when a loss happens in your parish. Fill it up with love items to show your love and support.

Pointing Out a Need

I think so many people in the Church do not understand the devastation that losing a child has on the family unit. Our desire at Red Bird is to end the silence of child loss and bring together support for the grieving.

Ministry Short Promo

Here is a great tool to promote the ministry on your social platforms, and to share the mission with anyone who desires to know more about what we do. A very short 43-second clip that looks into a mother’s grieving heart.

Retreat Testimony

This is a video that shares testimonies of mothers who have attended our grieving mother’s retreat. If you are interested in hosting a grieving mother’s retreat. Please contact our support staff.

Clergy Testimony

Listen in as Fr. Kyle White shares his view on how Red Bird assists clergy to walk with families towards healing and restoration. Red Bird is a tool for clergy and helps the Church lead families towards salvation.

Reaching for the Church

Everything is grace. Listen in as this grieving mother is brought into the ministry in a time where she was feeling so much desolation. God has a way of allowing his people’s paths to cross to bring you towards healing.

The Grieving Brain

A Fascinating and Educational Look at our brains during grief and what we can do about it. The video was an interview done by Grief Haven with Mary Frances O’Connor who wrote the book The Grieving Brain.

Red Bird Promotional Video

St. John Paul the Great’s call to evangelization is a message for all of us. We are all invited to share in the brokenness of the world and shine God’s Divine Love.

Templates and Additional Resources

How to use:

  1. Set up an account with Canva. They do offer a FREE account and will work with these templates.

  2. Click on the link attached to each image below.

  3. For each template, you must follow the following steps.

  4. Click on the File tab on the left upper side of the page.

  5. Click on make a copy.

  6. Use the copy that you created to start creating graphics for your chapter.

Anniversary Card

We use these cards to show our love and support for our precious children’s anniversary of death. Design your anniversary cards and share them on your Chapter flock on the online community. Families adore these love notes.

Leader's Business Cards $70.00

Birthday Card

We use these cards to show our love and support for our precious children’s birthdays in heaven. Design your birthday cards and share them on your Chapter flock on the online community. Families adore these love notes.

Certificate of Life

Families who experience the loss of a child during pregnancy will not receive a life certificate at the hospital. Here is a way to honor the dignity of that child’s life.

Advertisement and Promotional Materials

  • Marian Logo Graphic

    Use this lovely Marian logo graphic to make a banner or add it to a tablecloth design.

  • Retractable Banner

    Use this eye-catching retractable banner to promote your grief events and to welcome families in.

Logo Downloads

Logos are to be used to promote Red Bird events and grief support groups of active Chapters only.

Logos are available in red, turquoise, black, white, and gold.

3 Red Bird Logo Emblem_1c-Solid.png
4 Red Bird Logo_1c-GoldFoil.png

Copyright Notice

All Rights Reserved.

All material appearing on the Red Bird Ministries website (“Content”), including printed materials and/or digital materials, is owned by Red Bird Ministries or the party credited as the content provider. You may not copy, print, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit any such content, nor may you distribute any part of this content over any network, including a local area network, sell or offer it for sale, or use such content to construct any kind of database. Red Bird Ministries will not allow parishes, dioceses, and other organizations to photocopy and distribute these resources under any circumstance. Those that violate the copyright law will be prosecuted. 

You may not alter or remove any copyright or other notice from copies of the content on the Red Bird Ministries website. Copying or storing any content except as provided above is expressly prohibited without prior written permission of Red Bird Ministries or the copyright holder identified in the individual content’s copyright notice. For permission to use the content on the Red Bird Ministries website, please contact