For grieving mothers of perinatal loss who are in search of something more than shallow survival.

Revival, A Grieving Mother’s Retreat

Red Bird Ministries is offering an overnight weekend retreat at the Desales Retreat Center for grieving mothers of all ages, stages, and circumstances from pregnancy and infant loss.

Registration cost is $200 and paid directly to the Diocese of Lansing, MI. Click on the link below to register.

When: October 26-27, 2024

  • Retreat check-in begins on Saturday at 8:00 am

  • The retreat ends on Sunday at 8:00 pm. You can extend your stay for an additional night at a rate of $45.


The Diocese of Lansing, MI . DeSales Retreat Center 1198 DeSales Drive Brooklyn, MI 49230

“Revival” literally means a bringing alive of what was dead, and is something only God himself can do. Revival cannot be achieved by any human efforts, programs, or strategies, no matter how sincere and energetic. After showing the prophet Ezekiel a valley full of dry bones, God explained that they were an image of Israel: spiritually lifeless, barren, and hopeless. Then God commanded, “Prophesy, and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people.’”

God alone can put flesh on dry bones and breathe into his people the breath of Divine Life.

  • It was the first time since my loss where I felt completely understood and supported. The graces of the sacraments blessed our retreat in so many ways that made the weekend so beautiful and holy. I’m grateful for the women who shared their testimonies and how they’ve run to Jesus in the wake of sorrow rather than run away. I left full of hope and feeling lighter knowing the Lord carries me.

  • If you want to feel surrounded by love, and know that you are not alone. Attending this retreat is an opportunity for you to meet other mothers and be surrounded by love and encouragement.

  • I prayed, I went, and I am grateful that I did. This is a Catholic, faith-based retreat. You cannot find anything like this, I know, I've searched. It was healing in so many ways and powerful. I pray that we are able to bring it to our Parish. Remember, the enemy always works against us, we must preserve for the Glory of God and for our beloved children.

  • On day one, I was ready to get in my car and drive two hours back home. I am so glad I stayed! Just when you think you know it all, there is always more to learn! I was reminded of the tools that I can use to help me carry this cross. I am not a fan of group therapy by any means. I was very apprehensive about sharing. I felt very welcomed and loved from the moment I arrived. I could not ask for a better group of women to share this unfortunate journey. Honestly, I have to say that I am a better person because of this experience. Thank you!

  • Attending the Retreat and spending time with the Holy Spirit reaffirmed that my child is with my Jesus. I also learned that our children are present with us every time we go to Communion so that brought such joy and peace to me. Just knowing that being able to have a closer connection with my son really heals my heart.

  • This retreat was beyond helpful and uplifting! It gave me the affirmation I needed to know that my suffering isn’t for nothing and that I am a wonderful mother.

  • Talking about my story helps me heal. Hearing others’ stories makes me feel like others understand me.

Meet the Team

  • Kelly Breaux


  • Elizabeth Leon

    Elizabeth Leon


  • Anna Gowasack, M.S.


Retreat Support Services Included:

  • Small Groups

    The retreatants will be grouped with their peers based on the age of their child at the time of the loss.

  • Counseling

    Retreatants have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a professional grief counselor.

  • Spiritual Direction

    Retreatants can meet one-on-one with a certified spiritual director to discuss how grief has impacted their relationship with God.

  • Group Leader

    Each participant will be paired with a peer leader of the same age of loss.

Retreat Center Information & Prices

Camp DeSales and DeSales Retreat Center are situated on 214 acres of quiet woodland in the Irish Hills of Michigan, overlooking beautiful Vineyard Lake. The property is owned by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales and operated by Lake Vineyard Camps, Inc.

Registration – $200

  • Registration Dates

    Registration opens on September 15, 2024, and closes on October 15, 2024.

  • Refunds

    Contact Emma Rose Fisher at or by phone at 517-342-2465 to inquire about cancellation policy.

  • Scholarships

    Scholarship inquiries can be made through the Diocese of Lansing, MI, or by contacting your parish.

  • Travel Policy

    If you are traveling from another state, please arrange your transportation to and from the retreat center.

  • Travel Information

    The major airports around Brooklyn (Michigan) are:

    Toledo Express Airport (TOL / KTOL)

    57 miles driving distance

    Capital Region International Airport (LAN / KLAN)

    61 miles driving distance

    Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (DTW / KDTW)

    62 miles driving distance

  • T-Shrits

    T-Shirts are sold separately here for $25. Please add the t-shirt to your cart and check out separately.

“Simon, son of John, do you love me? Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you. Jesus said to him, Feed my sheep.”

John 21:17

Join us in Prayer!

Sign up to take a holy hour during our retreat by clicking the button below. Prayer can be done in your adoration chapel in front of the Blessed Sacrament, at your home church parish, or in your prayer corner at home.

Red Bird Friends,

Our community is currently facing a challenge. Due to financial difficulties, many families are unable to afford the cost of registration for our retreats. As a result, some may not be able to receive the necessary support they desperately need.

We kindly request that you prayerfully consider extending a helping hand by sponsoring one of our families. Your financial assistance would make a significant difference in their lives and enable them to find the healing and community they desperately need. We appreciate your generosity and compassion. Thank you for your support.

Sponsor a Family
