Red Bird Blog
Red Bird Blog
Truth vs. Lies
Like many of us, something I've struggled with for as long as I can remember is anxiety. Deep rooted anxiety that can sometimes cause physical symptoms of nausea, hot and cold sweating, dizziness and the feeling like I could pass out. As I got older, that anxiety manifested into feelings of self doubt, self worth, becoming very self conscious and that I was never good enough. I would struggle trying to figure out what to wear on a daily basis, what people would think of me and had problems making decisions for myself. Don’t misunderstand me- these are things I still struggle with, but have learned to identify what is happening now.
Hans Francis
My doctor watched me closely during my first trimester since I had had 3 previous miscarriages. During that trimester, I was afraid of my almost weekly visits. Afraid of what they might find. No heartbeat? Bad bloodwork? At week 12, my mind was eased. Everything looked fantastic.
Rosary Babies
“From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s will in all things. From Mary, we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary, we learn to love Christ, her Son and the Son of God.” - Pope Saint John Paul the Great
Westin Joseph Morgan
My husband and I got married on November 12th, 2021. What was supposed to be the best day of our life turned out to be the start of a nightmare. I remember bits and pieces of our wedding and nothing more. At our reception, I had this aching pain in my stomach. What I thought was appendicitis was an ovarian pregnancy that ruptured. I was rushed into immediate surgery. My brand-new husband and I were shocked, confused, and hurt. We didn’t know what to think. The first time I would ever circle “spouse” on any paper was in the middle of a miscarriage.
Invisible, No More
By Joy Boudreaux
In ANY type of child loss, but most especially when miscarriages or stillbirths or infant losses occur, it seems to me that dads get treated as if they’re invisible. This unfortunate reality, though, puts grieving dads in very good company. St. Joseph seems to have been an ‘invisible dad’ too.
In Loving Memory of Christian Ryan
By Kelly Breaux
I know I’m not always dainty about my grief, and sometimes I can appear to be a mess, but the reality of my heart is that I’m really not afraid to share my insecurities with others. It comes with the territory of knowing who my audience is and embracing the gift that God has given to me and has asked of me.