Episode 28: Living in the Longing (Grief in Advent)

“And there were Shepherds abiding in the fields keeping watch over their flocks by night.” ~Luke 2:8 


In this episode, Anna, Brittany, and Elizabeth explore the themes of longing, grief, and hope during the Advent season. They reflect on personal experiences of loss and the significance of traditions that help ground their faith. The conversation delves into the complexities of mourning, the importance of recognizing God's presence in darkness, and the promise of healing and rebirth. They each take time to share a personal reflection that moves them this Advent and pray that it blesses you too! 


  • Living in the longing can be a beautiful experience.

  • God finds us in our darkest moments.

  • Advent is a time of preparation and penance.

  • Longing and mourning are deeply connected.

  • Hope is essential in the journey of grief.

  • Grief can refocus our awareness and senses.

  • The glory of God often breaks through desolation.

  • We are promised to find God in our darkness.

  • God does not waste our suffering; it has purpose.

  • The Advent season invites us to embrace our longing.

Elizabeth Leon

Elizabeth Leon is the Director of Family Support for Red Bird Ministries. She and her husband Ralph are from Ashburn, Virginia and have ten children between them - five of hers, four of his, and their son, John Paul Raphael who died on January 5, 2018. His short and shining life was a sacred experience that transformed her heart and left a message of love for the world: let yourself be loved. She writes about finding the Lord in the darkness of grief in her book Let Yourself Be Loved: Big Lessons from a Little Life, available wherever books are sold. Read more from Elizabeth at www.letyourselfbeloved.com.


Episode 29: New Year, Same Grief


Episode 27: Hurting at the Holidays