Episode 30: When Hope is Hard

May you not grieve like the rest, who have no hope. ~

1 Thessalonians 4:13


In this episode, Elizabeth, Brittany, and Anna discuss the challenges of finding hope amidst grief, particularly in the context of child loss. They explore the concept of the Jubilee Year of Hope, emphasizing the importance of community support, personal reflections on grief, and the nature of hope as a theological virtue. The conversation highlights practical ways to cultivate hope in daily life and encourages listeners to embrace their grief while seeking beauty and connection.


  • Finding hope in grief is a journey that requires intentionality.

  • The Jubilee Year of Hope invites us to renew our spirits and seek reconciliation.

  • Hope is not a feeling but a choice and an act of the will.

  • Grieving with hope means acknowledging pain while also seeking beauty.

  • Hope can coexist with suffering; it is not a quick fix.

  • Recognizing small moments of beauty can shift our perspective on grief.

  • Hope is a gift from God that we can choose to accept.

Sound Bites:

"Hope is a gift from God."

"Hope is a decision, an act of the will."

"Hope in grief is heroic."

"Good isn't just ahead of us, but it's here."

"Community is vital to our hope.

Small Group Discussion Questions:

  1. What is it like to be faced with the invitation to renew your hope this year? Do you welcome the opportunity to grow in hope, or does the invitation feel inaccessible to you? 

  2. Did hearing his conversation challenge or change any of your ideas about hope?

  3. Can you recall a time when God answered your prayers with a “yes”? 

  4. What were some times when you have found hope or goodness in the midst of your grief? 

Elizabeth Leon

Elizabeth Leon is the Director of Family Support for Red Bird Ministries. She and her husband Ralph are from Ashburn, Virginia and have ten children between them - five of hers, four of his, and their son, John Paul Raphael who died on January 5, 2018. His short and shining life was a sacred experience that transformed her heart and left a message of love for the world: let yourself be loved. She writes about finding the Lord in the darkness of grief in her book Let Yourself Be Loved: Big Lessons from a Little Life, available wherever books are sold. Read more from Elizabeth at www.letyourselfbeloved.com.


Episode 31: Secondary Suffering


Episode 29: New Year, Same Grief