Ways to Calm your Anxiety

Anxiety disorders affect people of all ages and in different ways. However, there are some tools that people can use to help them calm down when they are experiencing high levels of anxiety.


If you're feeling anxious, breathing can be a helpful tool. It's one of the most basic relaxation techniques, but it's also one that many people take for granted. In fact, there are so many benefits to deep breathing that we have an entire article dedicated to the subject!

Breathe deeply:

  • Breathing is a way to calm down when you're anxious or stressed out

  • You can use it as part of meditation practice

  • It's easy to learn how to do it correctly and it won't hurt anything if you mess up at first - just keep practicing until you feel more relaxed!

Think of a happy place.

  • If you feel that your anxiety is getting the best of you, it's time to find a happy place.

  • A happy place can be anything that makes you feel calm and relaxed. For some people, this might be their childhood home where they grew up; for others, it may be a park or beach they visited while on vacation years ago. It doesn't matter what it is as long as it creates positive feelings inside of you.

Talk yourself through it.

Talking yourself through it is a strategy that can help you feel more confident and in control. You can do this by talking to yourself using positive self-talk, such as “I can do this” or “I am strong and capable.”

Writing down a list of your strengths and accomplishments can also help remind yourself how capable you are. Making a list of things that make you happy can be another way to build confidence when facing an upcoming challenge or situation that has anxiety-inducing qualities.

Another way to help calm the negative feelings associated with anxiety is by finding someone who has similar experiences as you, whether they have anxiety or not. If possible, try talking with friends who have dealt with similar situations so they can give advice on how best to handle them when they arise again!


Meditation can help you calm down and clear your mind.

It helps you relax, focus, and be more productive.

  • Meditation is an ancient practice of calming the mind and body through controlled breathing, sitting still with eyes closed, or repeating a mantra.

  • It’s also been shown to help people sleep better at night.

    Try aromatherapy with lavender, which is calming and relaxing.

Lavender is a natural relaxant, antiseptic, sleep inducer, and anti-inflammatory. It's also been shown to be an effective treatment for mild to moderate forms of depression and anxiety.

You can use lavender aromatherapy in a variety of ways:

  • Diffuse lavender essential oils in an oil diffuser or burner; this method is particularly effective at calming you down after a long day of work or school.

  • Make your own lavender-scented bath salts by adding dried lavender flowers to Epsom salt. While you soak in your relaxing bathtub, breathe deeply as the scent fills your nostrils with feelings of tranquility and contentment—a perfect way to wind down after a stressful day!

Anxiety is a natural response to stress and can be managed, but it’s important to remember that there are some cases where it shouldn’t be treated as such. If your anxiety is causing you trouble in daily life or interfering with your relationships, the best thing you can do is talk to a doctor or therapist who will help get things under control.

Ashley Leger

Ashley Leger currently lives in Parks, a small town in Louisiana. She is married to her husband Brayton and together they have two sons. Coen is 5 years old and their little saint in heaven Cayse. Cayse was diagnosed with Anencephaly at 11 weeks gestation, and we carried him as far as the Lord allowed. He was born into heaven on January 6, 2021.


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