How can journaling help with grief and prayer?

Journaling is a form of prayer.

I know this because I journal, and I pray, and when I journal, it feels like prayer.

When I write down my thoughts and feelings, it's almost like I'm talking to God. But instead of talking to him out loud, which would be weird (and maybe even a little awkward), I'm writing down my words on paper or on my computer screen for him to read. And in the same way that we talk to each other in person—we say "hello" when we see each other; we ask questions; we share our stories—when I write down what's on my mind, it feels like a conversation between me and God.

When I journal, I am able to tap into the deep well of peace and love that exists inside all of us—even when we feel like nothing is working out for us or that everything in our lives is falling apart. Journaling helps me focus on what is good about myself, what's important for me right now, and what matters most in life as a whole.

Journaling helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and the waves of grief. When I feel overwhelmed I go to adoration and I allow the Lord to speak to me. Whatever come to my heart and head, I write. I

There's something very comforting about being able to express myself in writing. It's like having an "off-the-record" conversation with God where anything goes: no judgment, no fear of repercussions… just pure honesty in whatever form that may take! God allows me to say whatever is burdening my heart.

When you journal, you can be as honest as you want without any fear of being judged or criticized for what comes out of your pen or fingers onto the screen. It's not always easy to be honest about the things we struggle with, but writing can help us do that. And when we write honestly and openly, we get to see what's really going on inside us—and that can be scary! But when we're willing to look at our struggles head-on, it helps us see them more clearly and find ways through them. It's such a freeing feeling!

Sometimes we need help seeing those things clearly—that's where prayer comes in. Prayer is a way of asking God for strength and guidance in the things that matter most to us—and journaling is one way we can communicate those things directly with God

And while some might say that journaling doesn't really count as prayer, or even helps with grief, is usually someone that doesn’t journal.


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