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4: Surviving the Dark Days, Tips and Tools
“The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.“
John 1:5

3: Grief & Gratitude: Learning to Make Space for Both
I have to learn to hold both grief and gratitude, but what if I don’t even know how to approach a God who let my child die?

2: The Truth about Grief: It's Not Reasonable to be Reasonable.
Grief was expressed in an open and unrestrained way that was cathartic and communally shared, very much in contrast with the modern emphasis on controlling one’s emotions and keeping grief private.

1: Introduction
Welcome to It’s Not for Nothing, a podcast on untangling the mess of grief, faith, trauma, and hope after the death of a child. We are 3 Catholic mothers carrying the extraordinary cross of child loss. If you, too, are grieving a child, we want to provide a safe place for you to come just as you are ... while sharing the encouragement that our God is on the move in the wasteland of your grief. You and your suffering are both precious to Him. It’s Not for Nothing.

The Little Saints
Kelly Breaux, founder of Red Bird Ministries, sits with The Light Project on the Can I Get An Amen Podcast to unpack her journey with child loss.

Podcast with Emma Pourciau
This precious little lady keeps me on my toes. Listen in on how Red Bird Ministries has been impactful in her life and the life of her family.

Podcast with Heidi Indahl
Today we have Heidi Indahl on our "Grieving Together Show" She is such a bright light into a world of pregnancy and infant loss. It has been such a blessing getting to know Heidi and allowing this beautiful conversation to happen. I know you will enjoy the message of today's show.

Podcast with Susan Skinner
Susan Skinner is a wife, mom of 4 beautiful children on earth and 1 little saint in heaven. She currently serves as the RCIA and Adult Faith Formation Director; and humbly serves on the deliverance team at St. Philip Neri in Franklin, TN.

Podcast with Stephanie Eckler
Today, you will find Stephanie telling other grieving moms to "call me" Because what we are all looking for is something positive to this awful new life.

Podcast with Lisa Martinez
Lisa is a writer, Entrepreneur, and founder of Little with Great Love .com. A big foodie, she’d be the #4 Sweet & Spicy on a combo meal menu — born in Metro Detroit and raised Daddy’s princess with three older brothers. She now calls Austin, Texas home and loves to travel through life and around the world with her mountain-man husband, Mike.