Red Bird Blog
Red Bird Blog
Finding Joy in Grief
When we're grieving, we have a choice: we can either ignore our feelings and try to push them away, or we can face them head-on and let them help us grow into better people than we used to be.
Am I experiencing depression or grief?
It’s normal to experience sadness, tears, and emotional distress after the death of a loved one. The intensity of grief depends on many factors.
How to manage anxiety while you are grieving?
Grief is a difficult and complex process. It can be overwhelming, and it can also cause anxiety.
For the grieving mother on Mother’s Day
For the grieving mother in anticipation of Mother’s Day.
5 Ways to support a grieving mother
Mother’s Day for grieving mothers is hard. Here is 5 things you can do to support a grieving mother that you love.
Building Bridges
Bridges are fascinating. But, to some people, bridges are terrifying to behold.
Uniting our Wounds with Christ on the Cross
This is where the beauty and grace of woman, encounters the agony and suffering of grief.
Overcoming Woundedness
Like Mary, often the wounds we bear are not visible to others, but the heartache, suffering, and interior unrest can be paralyzing.
Finding our Womanhood in Mary’s Story
When we think of the Blessed Mother, we often think of her as ‘unblemished without stain or sin’ and sometimes frankly, “unrelatable”
10 things parents of loss wants the Catholic Church to know
10 things parents of loss want the Catholic Church to know
NFP After Loss
NFP can be hard for families after loss. Listen in as this precious couple shares the view from within.
Father’s Day
How does Father’s Day affect a grieving father? Well, it changes how you look at it for the rest of your life. Kevin LeBlanc shares a little about his father’s day and how he looks to St. Joseph for guidance.
What’s Changed, and What’s Stayed the Same?
What has changed in grief and what has stayed the same.
Hello, My name is…
Hello, my name is Kelly Breaux, Mother of Emma Grace, Talon Antoine, and Christian Ryan. These are the children that I want to remember.
The Anchor
Last year came with a lot of firsts for me. The first time we have closed our perpetual adoration chapel in 34 years at our home parish. The first time we couldn’t go to mass in person in over a century—a new disease with no predictability. Quarantine and mask-wearing are a normal routine for a large number of the friends and family that I love.
Little Star
One of our liturgical celebrations in January is the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord.