Red Bird Blog

Red Bird Blog

Families of Child Loss, Pregnancy Loss Mikayla Baggett Families of Child Loss, Pregnancy Loss Mikayla Baggett

Truth vs. Lies

Like many of us, something I've struggled with for as long as I can remember is anxiety. Deep rooted anxiety that can sometimes cause physical symptoms of nausea, hot and cold sweating, dizziness and the feeling like I could pass out. As I got older, that anxiety manifested into feelings of self doubt, self worth, becoming very self conscious and that I was never good enough. I would struggle trying to figure out what to wear on a daily basis, what people would think of me and had problems making decisions for myself. Don’t misunderstand me- these are things I still struggle with, but have learned to identify what is happening now.

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Families of Child Loss Brittany Primeaux Families of Child Loss Brittany Primeaux

Kissing the Cross

Growing up Catholic in South Louisiana, I never really entered into Good Friday and the venerating (kissing) of the Cross. Yes I went to each Mass, but did I actually realize what I was doing? Even in my young adulthood, I can say I had absolutely no clue. I simply went through the motions.

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Families of Child Loss Ashley Leger Families of Child Loss Ashley Leger

God's Will Not Mine

The day after my birthday, I decided to go through Coen’s chifforobe. Since he is six years old now, it was time to give him some independence. While going through it, I came across the folder we received from the hospital when he was born. I read over the paperwork, and it brought tears to my eyes. My only child here on earth is no longer a baby. After looking at all the information in the folder, I closed it and saw another Lafayette General folder underneath.

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Families of Child Loss Ashley Leger Families of Child Loss Ashley Leger

Broken Hearted

If you've ever experienced depression, you know how hard it can be to get out of bed in the morning. It can be even harder to go on with your life during a period of loss or mourning—but you must. You're stronger than you think! I know this because I've been there myself and lived to tell the tale.

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Families of Child Loss Elizabeth Leon Families of Child Loss Elizabeth Leon

A Prayer of Surrender

What if I was experiencing a new kind of prayer? Prayer that transcended anxious rosary beads and desperate pleas? My prayer was surrender. Be still. Close my eyes. Open my heart. Lift my face. And let him love me. Let him love her. Let him enfold us in love. My breath was my prayer.

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Families of Child Loss Elizabeth Leon Families of Child Loss Elizabeth Leon

Sacred Emptiness

So shattered I could not see my own hand in front of my face, I was suspended in the invisible arms of a Love I had only dreamed of. Immolated, I found myself resting in fire. Drowning, I surrendered, and discovered I could breathe underwater.

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For the Church Emma Pourciau For the Church Emma Pourciau

Chaste Heart of St Joseph, Pray for us!

As Catholics, we are urged to look to the Holy Family for they are examples of perfection and goodness. Christ shows us how to love thy neighbor and die to self while mama Mary shows us unconditional love and trust in the Lord. Mary and Joseph are models of a true and good marriage, but St Joe wasn’t perfect. What can he show us? He shows us true humility and docility to the Lord. It is because St Joseph is imperfect that I love him so much; he shows us how to be in community with Jesus and Mary.

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